In case you’re a site owner, a problem might always show up and it doesn’t necessarily need to be associated with the web hosting service itself. For example, something might go wrong when you bring a web app up to date or some crucial content could be edited or deleted by mistake. Regardless of what the essence of the problem might be, you’ll have to get in touch with the respective client care team and ask them to recover a backup or to help you solve the problem that you’re experiencing. How promptly they’ll do this will predetermine how much time your sites will be down. For given websites such as social networking sites or web shops, a repetitive downtime period often means lost customers and money. Having said that, it’s rather important that you use the services of a hosting company that offers not only a good help desk service, but also a prompt one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

Our guaranteed maximum response time for any tech support ticket that you submit or any e-mail that you write is only 60 minutes, even if you contact us on weekends and legal holidays. Whatever the nature of your issue or query might be, we will lend a hand straight away and will provide you with the required information to solve any problem with your sites. The actual reaction time normally doesn’t exceed fifteen-twenty minutes, which is the reason why you can forget about waiting for hours and hours to get an issue sorted out or what’s even worse – waiting around one whole day only to receive an answer that more info is required while nothing is resolved. We will offer you assistance in no time because we know just how invaluable time can be in the dynamic online space. The 1-hour reply time guarantee applies to any technical or billing enquiry that you may have associated with our cloud plans.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

We guarantee that if you submit a helpdesk ticket through your hosting Control Panel or send an email associated with your semi-dedicated server, you’ll obtain a response within maximum sixty minutes. You can get in touch with us at all times with regards to billing, general or technical matters and considering that we’re on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, you’ll always get help without delay. Based on the particular question or issue, we will give you more info, sort out the obstacle if it’s been caused by something within our reach or inform you what actions to take if you have to configure a certain setting for a software application that we can’t access. You can forget about waiting around for a day for every single answer. In fact, in the majority of cases we answer tickets and emails within no more than twenty-twenty five minutes.