24-core servers, hardware in Cloud Hosting
The servers which we use for our cloud hosting solutions are powerful enough to provide the best possible performance of your sites and if you are moving from some other company, you'll quickly feel the difference. Not only is our system comprised of clusters of servers which take care of each and every part of the Internet hosting service (files, emails, databases, logs, etc.), but each cluster consists of powerful machines, each one with 24-core processors, 64 GB RAM and NVMe drives. Our hardware stands behind our service and performance guarantees and regardless of the applications you intend to run, you won't ever experience any decrease in their performance. The Internet hosting service utilizes the power of all machines and since we are able to add servers to every cluster, we practically have an Internet hosting powerhouse with immense resources. Since your sites will be hosted on this platform, the hardware will never be a limit for their growth.
24-core servers, hardware in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you acquire a semi-dedicated server account from our firm, it will be made on an advanced cloud hosting platform which employs brand new and amazingly powerful web servers. 24-core processors plus 64 GB RAM will ensure that all of your Internet sites will function fast and without service interruptions. The total system resources which we have at our disposal are almost infinite due to the fact that we employ a cloud platform where each and every aspect of the service is maintained by a large cluster of servers. When we need additional power, we just attach more machines where they are needed and in case we wish to have more disk space for files or databases, we insert more NVMe drives. The NVMes which our servers use will boost the speed and reliability of your sites even more.
24-core servers, hardware in VPS Servers
The physical servers on which we create VPS server accounts are quite powerful and will give you the needed speed and stability for your websites while keeping the opportunity to upgrade to a more powerful solution without worrying that there may not be enough resources available for that. All machines come with powerful processors with a total of 24 CPU cores and 64 GB physical memory, so they could take care of multiple very heavy apps without any problems. The NVMe drives that we use on all servers will raise the loading speeds and will boost the performance of your applications even more. When we create new VPS accounts, we make sure that there'll be adequate free resources for each customer on the server to upgrade their plan and since this results in unused power, you shall be able to use system resources which exceed your plan specs if there's a brief overload on your VPS. Thus, your websites will continue to be operational all of the time.
24-core servers, hardware in Dedicated Servers
In case you need extra power for your websites and you order one of our dedicated servers, you will obtain a configuration with diligently tested components that will be able to handle a massive load. We offer machines with up to 12 CPU cores and 16 GB RAM, so regardless of the kind of sites you wish to host, you will never encounter any problems with their performance since you will not share the resources with anybody else. In case your websites do not require that much power, we have smaller plans too, but the quality of the service will be the same. All machines feature Gbit network cards for fast access speeds to any type of content hosted on them. The 24/7 support crew in our US-based datacenter in Chicago, IL will make sure that your server performs at its top capabilities and in case any hardware issue appears, they will change any part in no time.